May 13, 2009

Dos Equis Commercial Magic

I majored in marketing in college. Gots me a degree and everything. So I appreciate me a good advertisement when one passes by. And if it's good enough and the product has any appeal, I support such products with such purchases. In mass quantities.

Dos Equis and "the most interesting man in the world" is the best commercial I've seen in a very long time. The scenes they come up with are ridiculous and fun. But the one line by itself in the commercial makes it a classic in my mind.

"He had an awkward moment once, just to see what it feels like."

I will never forget that line. So in honor I purchased a Dos Equis Amber draft from a local establishment. It doesn't suck. So I shall continue on drinking it and I'll never forget why I started.

And I think it would be hilarious if the next time you have an awkward moment with someone you just spit out..."When I have an awkward moment, I prefer Dos Equis" I'm sure noboby would get it...but if they did, I'm sure some sort of laughter would follow.

Just remember...Drink well my friends.

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