August 24, 2009

Inglorious Basterds

Ok, so Tarantino is at it again. Let me get this straight out of the gate: it's stellar. It's interesting, absurd, gross, and I had an unbelievable time. The premise is simple. A rogue group of about 8 Jewish-American soldiers drop in to Germany occupied France with one objective in mind: killing NA-zis. You'll get the awkward spelling once you see the movie.

Brad Pitt does an unbelievable job, playing a great role that suits him well. He's hillbilly Lt. Aldo Raine. A hard nosed, often hilarious, luietenant in charge of the group. Several of the rogue soldiers have memorable names, and memorable moments/scenes. Tarantino always does a great job of developing unforgettable characters, and this show has several.

The only thing that holds this movie back from a 100 is the fact that Tarantino loves himself. That's not really a bad thing necessarily. He's terribly unique and is allowed to think so, but his dialogue scenes can wind just a tiny bit too long. The point could be made slightly quicker, but he likes his dialogue and likes to just "let go."

That's really all I can pick out of the movie as any type of criticism. As usual, you have no idea how it's going to end. And I didn't have super high expectations for this movie. It looked like it coolhave been a terrible mess. But once the movie came to a close 2 1/2 hours in, I wish it actually wouldn't stop.

Ken's Score: 95
Metacritic: 69

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